The freedom to fly, whether general aviation, light sport aircraft, or ultralights, involves a personal responsibility to practice safety on the ground, as well as in the air, and to observe local, state and Federal rules and regulations. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulates the national airspace system. This also includes pilot and aircraft requirements for the various classes of aircraft. The states control airport construction, maintenance, and operation. In addition, some states have laws concerning insurance requirements. Some local and county governments have ordinances that mandate where and when general aviation and air sport activities may take place.
Based on experience and ongoing communication with these various agencies, USUA provides information and assistance to its members concerning the various rules and regulations. We believe that a basic understanding of these regulations is essential to becoming a good pilot.
FAA Regulations:
FAR Part 103 (Ultralight Vehicle)
Advisory Circulars:
General Aviation Rules that apply to Sport Pilots:
All FAA regulations
FAR Part 1 (14 CFR 1) (Definitions and abbreviations)
FAR Part 61 (14 CFR 61) (Certification: Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors)
FAR Part 91 (14 CFR 91) (General operating and flight rules)
There are several regulatory options available to ultralight owners, each offering unique privileges andlimitations. Differing amounts of effort are required to achieve and maintain the option you choose. Ultralightsfall under two basic sets of rules; either ultralight rules (Ultralight Vehicles) or General Aviation rules(Ultralight Aircraft). The following overview highlights basic options that come closest to programs envisionedappropriate and reasonable for those who wish to fly for fun. Detailed rules for each option are located inFAA and industry publications.
FAA further states, " should be emphasized that the individual ultralight operator's support andcompliance with national self-regulation programs is essential to the FAA's continued policy ofallowing industry self-regulation in these areas."
FAA does not allow single or two-place ultralights to have any proof of airworthiness. It is the responsibility of the owner to make sure the ultralight is safe to fly. Publications such as the "Federal Ultralight Resource Guide" and the "Amateur Built Aircraft and Ultralight Flight Testing Handbook", available in the USUA Flying Store, provide explanations of how FAA defines an ultralight. These publications cover all phases of preparation and of flight testing for newly constructed non-production aircraft.
Ultralight vehicle registration is available through USUA. Download a registration application from the Forms section.
FAA does not certify ultralight-specific pilot knowledge and proficiency, but it expects pilots to complete training under an FAA-recognized program. By earning your ultralight pilot wings, this confirms your ultralight-specific knowledge and proficiency. Ultralight pilot flight instruction time averages 10 to15 hours, prior to solo flight. A current list of FAA-recognized USUA flight instructors can be found in the Find an Instructor section.
Ultralight flight instructors are authorized by FAA to use a two-seat ultralight for training. More information about instructor requirements, privileges, and limitations can be found in the Safety & Training section.
FAA requires that all aircraft be registered with FAA and have a current airworthiness certificate (FAAinspection required). FAA also requires regular inspections that must be performed by an FAA authorizedmechanic or original builder.
OPTION A: Light Sport Aircraft
In 2004, the FAA authorized a new aircraft certification option, named "Light Sport Aircraft". Light Sport Aircraft, are simple, low performance, low energy aircraft including airplanes, gliders, gyroplanes, balloons, airships, weight shift control (trikes), and powered parachutes. These planes can have one, or two seats, and can have a maximum weight of 1320 lbs. For more information, see our Sport Pilot web page.
OPTION B: Experimental Amateur-built
FAA requires you to build the majority (at least 51%) of the plane solely for educational or recreationalpurposes (FAA inspection required). The Amateur Built Aircraft and Ultralight Flight Testing Handbook,available through USUA, covers all phases of preparation and flight testing of newly constructednon-production aircraft. Order the handbook in the USUA Flying Store.
OPTION C: Amateur-built Glider
In recent months FAA has encouraged certificationof trikes (analogous with a sailplane with a motorreferred by FAA as a "self-launch glider") in theexperimental category as "amateur built-glider." When obtaining certification for a glider-trike, oneneeds to request the glider designation of their FAAAirworthiness Inspector or Designated AirworthinessRepresentative (DAR).
OPTION D: Primary Category-Sportplane
Buy a ready-to-fly plane designed, tested and built by an FAA-authorized manufacturer. The Sportplaneclass under Primary Category limits aircraft to two seats, a weight of 1,200 pounds and a stall speed of 39knots. FAA does not allow trikes and powered parachutes in this certification category. Despite numerousmanufacturer’s attempts, only the Quicksilver GT 500 has made it through this FAA process.
All FAA pilot certificates require minimum flight instruction and solo flight time, minimum age limits, medicalcertification and successful completion of written, oral and flight tests by FAA inspectors of FAA designees. Ifyou already hold an FAA private pilot certificate you may already have all you need.
OPTION A: Sport Pilot
The holder of a Sport Pilot license, may operate a plane that meets the definitions of a Light Sport Aicraft (1320 lbs max, 2 place max, etc). Minimum flight instruction and solo flight time 20 hours withmost of other Private Pilot requirements applying including a minimum age of 17. For a short time, FAAproposes experience credit for participating in an FAA-recognized ultralight training program. FAA writtenand flight tests would be required.
OPTION B: Recreational/Private Pilot
The holder of a Recreational Pilot certificate may carry one passenger in an aircraft up to the size of aCessna 172. Minimum flight instruction and solo flight time is 30 hours with most of other Private Pilotrequirements applying including a minimum age of 17 and a third class medical certificate. In addition, FAAlimits this certificate to only FAA certificated airplanes and rotorcraft, and only flying during daytime. Lessthan 300 folks have this certificate. Most go straight to Private Pilot.
OPTION C: Private Pilot Glider-Trike
A Trike is a hang glider-type of wing supporting a wheeled carriage for one or two people and an engine.
Trikes may be operated in the U.S. under rules for ultralights (FAR Part 103) or self-launched gliders (FAR Part 91 & 61). The following regards operation as self-launched gliders (FAR Part 91 & 61).
One option is to gain FAA private pilot certificate for flying trikes. This FAA program permits pilots to learn to fly and gain private certificates in order to fly certificated trikes solo, give rides to anyone, fly any distance, carry any amount of fuel, and fly into any type of airspace. Also, the pilot may fly the certificated trike with a self-declared medical statement (no medical examination required).
You may progress through trike training including written, oral and flight tests to gain a private glider certificate with a weight-shift log endorsement. New pilots and transitioning ultralight trike pilot/instructors must have a minimum of 10 flight hours and 100 flights. Individuals with any FAA certificate above student (airplane category) must have a minimum of 3 hours of certificated trike or glider flight including 10 flights with no written test requirement. .
The following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and answers are provided as a service to USUA members. It is about certification by FAA of trikes as "self-launch gliders," and what affect that has on airman certification. There are two distinct parts to the program: the Pilot and the Machine.
The Pilot:
Q: What pilot certificate is required?
A: Private Pilot Glider with log endorsement allowing weight-shift control, self launch. You may gain this authority by undergoing trike training according to the FAA airman requirements listed in Federal Aviation Regulation Part 61 including written, oral and flight tests to gain a private glider certificate with a log endorsement for weight-shift, self-launch . The student trike (glider) pilot works with a Certificated Flight Instructor-Glider (CFI-G). It is possible for you to progress through commercial and to the instructor level in this same program.
The FAA permits private trike pilots to fly certificated trikes solo, give rides to anyone, fly any distance*, carry any amount of fuel, and fly into any type of airspace (assuming compliance with ATC rules).
Also, the pilot may fly the certificated trike with a self-declared medical statement (no medical examination required).
Q: What amount of training is required?
A: New pilots and transitioning ultralight trike pilot/instructors need only 10 hours and 100 flights*. (Unfortunately FAA refuses to acknowledge piloting time in ultralight trikes.)
Q: What about those who have FAA pilot certificates?
A: Any individual with any FAA certificate above student in the airplane category needs a minimum of 3 hours of flight including 10 flights with no written test requirement*. However, more instructional time is almost certainly needed before being comfortable with weight-shift control.
The practical test (oral and flight) is conducted by an FAA examiner or someone designated by FAA to conduct examinations (DPE). Only a few examiners will provided flight tests in trikes.
The required test items are listed by FAA in the Practical Test Standards.(PTS).
Q: Could I become an instructor?
A: You may progress to commercial and then CFI to train newcomers while flying a certificated trike almost exclusively. Only the spin endorsement for CFI-G requires use of a three-axis glider or airplane. As with the private glider pilot certificate, the requirements for commercial and CFI-G are appropriate as FAA programs go, and do not require that you learn to fly an airplane.
Q: What is the medical requirement?
A: private pilot: trike certificate is valid with a self-declaration of medical fitness instead of a medical examination.
Complete FAA airman certification rules are listed in 14 CFR Part 61.
The Machine:
Q: What change by FAA now allows this program for trikes?
A: Only in recent months has FAA encouraged certification of trikes in the experimental category as "amateur built-glider."
Q: What is the downside to the "-Glider" designation?
A: There is no down-side to the designation of "-Glider" in connection with experimental amateur-built. Therefore anyone obtaining certification for their trike would be wise to request the glider designation of their FAA Airworthiness Inspector or Designated Airworthiness Representative (DAR).
Q: What else does FAA require of the machine?
A: The trike must also be registered with FAA and the "N" number displayed in a location that is satisfactory to the Inspector/DAR. An annual inspection must be accomplished by the builder with a repairman certificate or an FAA Airworthiness Inspector (IA or A&P).
A complete listing of FAA aircraft registration requirements may be found here.
Q: What problems in certification could be encountered?
A: A difficulty can be an FAA airworthiness inspector who balks at the concept of trikes. Some may not quickly understand that a trike is simply a hang GLIDER with a motor. This is analogous with a sailplane (GLIDER) with a motor that is referred to by FAA as "Self-launch glider." There is much precedent and active support from the airworthiness folks in FAA Washington. So, if your inspector wants reassurance from his superiors, contact USUA for further guidance.
The second potential difficulty is inherent with the experimental category "amateur-built" which requires someone other than a factory to fabricate most of the unit. Inspectors vary in their views about how much is "most" and a little shopping around may be good to do before contacting an inspector. Those in your area who have previous certificated amateur-built aircraft in the past can provide you with the names of inspectors/DARs with whom they prefer to work.
Some kits have been pre-determined to meet the FAA intent of Amateur-built and that list can be found at However, an FAA inspector is authorized to determine compliance on a cast-to-case basis.
More information about amateur-built certification may be found at
The complete listing of FAA operating rules for glider-trikes are listed in 14 CFR Part 91.
For specific advice from FAA you may find a list of FAA Flight Standards Offices here:
Working for Pilots on National and Local Issues
No matter what ratings you hold, no matter what type of ultralight you fly, as a pilot in America you will facepublic policy issues and government regulations more often than the average citizen. And, often, your abilityto fly can be affected!
USUA is working full-time to make sure pilots have their say. As a member, you have the nation's most activeultralight aviation advocates representing your interests year round in Washington, D.C. and before a broadrange of government agencies, including FAA. USUA stands up for ultralight aviation on airspacerestrictions, proposed certification of pilots and vehicles, unnecessary airworthiness requirements—everyvital issue facing ultralighters today.
USUA members have said over and over, loudly and clearly, that the current privileges under FAR Part 103should be indefinitely maintained by FAA. On it's members behalf, USUA has taken this message to FAA andstood behind it during the ongoing FAA ultralight rulemaking project to protect the freedoms enjoyed byAmerican ultralighters.
USUA's elected regional representatives keep states covered and monitor local communities, too. Whether itis a possible ban of ultralights at a local airport or the imposition of discriminatory or illegal fees, USUAprotects and defends ultralight interests. Regional Representatives are hard working volunteers who devotetheir personal time and resources to help foster understanding and cooperation within their region.
Legislative Action Organization
If your right to fly for fun is threatened, USUA will swing into action toprotect your freedom. You can make a difference by joining the nation'sstrongest ultralight membership association.
Excerpt from the January 2001 issue of Ultralight Flying! Magazine:
FAA continues to regulate ultralighting under its Code of Federal Regulations as it has since this air sportbecame recognized as a unique and distinct segment of aviation in the late 1970's. Some operations fallwithin Part 103 (Ultralights) and its associated exemptions and advisory circulars while other operations fallunder Parts 61 & 91 (General Aviation rules). The debate continues (heard in some halls of FAA andGeneral Aviation circles as the "ultralight problem") about how to "deal" with this recreational element ofaviation that is foreign in some ways to the traditional focus of air commerce and transportation.
As far back as 1985, USUA has directly been involved with FAA. While the kind of result that would reallyopen up our sport to the general public hasn't been realized yet, USUA has made significant inroads towardenhancing the image of ultralighting, protecting the freedoms we enjoy today.
USUA took the lead when FAA asked the aviation community in 1994 for technical support and advice on a rulemaking project for ultralights. FAA had been working on the process for several years without results. Under the chairmanship of then acting USUA Director of Safety and Training, Tom Gunnarson, a working group was formed within the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) to study FAA's project and develop recommendations.
The ARAC group, composed of a wide diversity of groups representing different interests within ultralightingand general aviation, has met on a regular basis and drafted recommendations that would provideregulatory relief for ultralighters. In recent years the project focus slowly shifted away from ultralighting asFAA continued to encourage modification of existing general aviation regulations.
The Secretary of Transportation and the FAA Administrator created a Departmental Task Force on FAAReform to recommend improvements that could be made in the operations within the FAA itself and betweenthe FAA and the Office of the Secretary. A subgroup of the Task Force was specifically directed torecommend changes that would improve the rulemaking process concerning safety issues. That subgroupproposed the establishment of an advisory committee to serve as a forum for the FAA to obtain input fromoutside the Government on major regulatory issues facing the agency. The Secretary approved the proposalto establish an advisory committee.
Therefore, the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) was established in 1991 to assist the FAAin the rulemaking process by providing input from outside the Federal Government on major regulatoryissues affecting aviation safety. The ARAC includes representations of air carriers, manufacturers, generalaviation, labor groups, universities, associations, airline passenger groups, and the general public.
FAA asked the ARAC to accept a task to review part 103 and to make a recommendation to the ARACconcerning whether new or revised standards were appropriate. On August 30, 1993, the FAA announcedthe formation of an ARAC Working Group. As part of its task the working group was asked to consider apetition to amend part 103 (Docket No. 25591) that had previously been submitted by the United StatesUltralight Association.
Tom Gunnarson, then acting USUA Executive Vice President, was selected to serve as chairman for the working group. The first meeting took place in Washington, DC in October 1993. Over 25 ultralight manufacturers and organizations, and representatives of general aviation interests and government groups were in attendance. After six-year effort the group provided a recommendation to FAA that became known as "Sport Pilot."