USUA members lead exciting lives. This is evidenced by the type of aviation activities they love and cherish. This column showcases our members, their families, and the truly unique way in which their love of ultralighting affects the lives of others. Members are encouraged to submit text and pictures of newsworthy items to USUA, for future articles. We want to hear from you!

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This month, we feature:

Kathryn Ridgway
October 2006

Kathy Ridgway
Ladies can have wings too !

Life is like the Holy Bible. There are the Old and New Testaments, with many chapters and stories to fill in the gaps. I call the Old part of my life B.A.D. which is "Before Aviation Desire." The New is G.L.A.D. FOR "Great Lasting Aviation Dream!"

Life in B.A.D. was the usual humdrum, boring hopeless mess. I had no clue on what aviation was or how it effected or concerned my life. Yes, a real bummer. We'll skip the boring details and jump right into the G.L.A.D.

In 1996 I met me future husband Joe. It was Joe who turned me onto the G.L.A.D. world I now live in. It's been an adventure everyday, and a dream come true. I wake up everyday wondering if it isn't a dream.

Later that summer of 1996 I decided to go to work part time on the weekends at Advanced Aerosports, a skydiving school located in Chambersburg, Pa. Joe used to pack parachutes to pay for his skydiving. I worked manifest, taking reservations, scheduling skydiving activities and air crews. During the second season I gained enough courage to make my first skydive, which actually had started as a joke from the day before when the owner Bob had misunderstood me as saying "I want to jump", he stated well, I can't get you on a load today, but tomorrow first thing, so I figured ok, cool. So, Joe, my father in law John, and 6 others the instructor and I boarded an airplane and sat on the floor for what seemed like a ride that I hoped would never end. At last the plane arrived at altitude and the door flew open and in a flash I was flying with my arms and legs in the 120 mph breeze of freefall. That jumped forever changed my life and the world I live in. Aviation was opening doors I never dreamt was there.

The next step in my morphing into an aviation butterfly was when I was introduced to a local ultralight pilot and builder Rick Baughman. Rick had built several aircraft, namely several Gyrocopters, A Rans-S12XL, and a Mini 500 helicopter. I was offered a ride by Rick in his Rans- S12XL Airaile. The ride was more of a lesson which Rick not only demonstrated the capabilities of the airplane, but encouraged me to repeat the maneuvers. I was wheeling and soaring with reckless abandon, not fully understanding the controls and what the control inputs would produce. I was all over the sky and loving it.

The year 1998 produced a long lasting affair with aviation. In a small sleepy village in the hills of south central Pennsylvania I traveled with my husband to an oversized garage for a meeting. Never in my life had I dreamed of seeing so many aviation enthusiasts in such a place. The goal was to gather for fun and fellowship. This was a great gang of people to hang out with. All where trying to help each and many took time to explain flying aircraft and building airplanes and such to me. This was the beginning of the USUA Club #201, Millennium Flyers. The name was derived from the upcoming change in centuries. The ladies would bring covered dishes and listen to the heroic and quite often epic tales of deed or shall I say miss-deeds of the "Men Folk."

As the club grew in membership the Chambersburg Airport was facing a serious challenge. The local politicians wished to sell the airport for real-estate development. The Millennium Flyers where quick to volunteer their assistance and worked with the local skydiving operations. Together they hosted their first fly in. The club decided to raise the stakes at the fly in by adding a charity benefit. The charity had to be aviation related to make it a special event. Angel Flight was contacted and they where happy to respond and support our efforts. The event was a success and we where able to make a reasonable donation to Angel Flight. A month later, Angel Flight informed the club we actually helped a local mother's son that needed help in Alaska. She had heard of us and our support for Angel Flight. This left a lasting impression on me. I could do nice things indirectly for people and feel good in the process. Armed with the news, The club decided to make this an annual event. With my growing expertise is coordinating various factions, the support of the Millennium Flyers and the Skydiving operation, the club nominated and elected me as the event coordinator. Wow, a position and a title! Now I was going places. I helped move the club to number #1 in USUA in 2004. The Millennium Flyers nominated me to receive the trophy for the club at the awards ceremony in Illinois. The club paid my way for 3 days. In addition, several members of the club made large donations for my inspiration, Joe, to be my escort.

But, before heading off to Springfield, Ill. Jerry Dorre of Angel Flight had contacted me in regards of making me the Community Representative for South Central Pennsylvania Region, without hesitation I greatly accepted this volunteer position with honor. Now, I have two titles, and a full time position, with a lot going on my plate I realized that for once in my life I am someone, and I continue to strive and feed on the success of making Angel Flight more aware to those in my community, perhaps someone out there may need it in order to survive, and it's my job to make sure that happens.

More currently and recently I have become more involved with USUA, and I'm very excited with my involvement. Everyday I learn more and more about USUA, what they are and mean. I'm looking forward to the challenges that may imply upon me.

Speaking of more challenges, this past summer I was contacted by Angel Flight about an event that was to take place in Chambersburg. To my surprise, it was Knuckleheads Motorcycle Shop. I thought" now this is different", a motorcycle show and poker run, the event was a huge success.

Since then Scott, has called upon me to be his event coordinator for next years annual motorcycle show, plans are now starting underway for yet another successful community awareness and fundraiser. Perhaps we can link aviation and motorcycles together for a national event.

Now I sit back and think of and envision the pictures, reminisce of the five annual benefits generating thousands of dollars for those in need, those that have supported me thru the years and continue to support me, how can I ever give enough thanks, especially to my husband Joe that turned me onto G.L.A.D. seems no matter what I get myself into, he's always there to support me, and pick me up when I fall and brush me off reminding me constantly "you can do it". He's endured a lot, even if it is me taking over the Quicksilver to only taxi it up and down the grass strip doing zigzags, going either too fast, or not fast enough all the while he's on the wingtip running his legs off, and even running him over with his own aircraft screaming and yelling whatever to each other then not remembering what we even said, but thankful in the end that I didn't kill him in the process. Yes, I have many G.L.A.D. memories, and I would like to dedicate this to my husband Joe, my best friend, head cheerleader and wingman.......Thank you!!