04/30/2003: USUA Members Answer the Call

Since announcing financial troubles in March, USUA staffers have been pleasantly overwhelmed with an outpouring of help from concerned members. In addition to monetary donations members have written and called in with questions, concerns and creative ideas on how to help get USUA back on solid ground.

"We are not running on all cylinders yet", says Rich Pendergist, USUA Executive Vice President, "but we are making steady progress each day." Pendergist attributes this gradual recovery to the beginning of flying season, a positive member response and continued careful spending.

According to USUA staffer Craig Richardson, "I have talked with a lot of members who all have the same basic question…what can I do to help?" The answer is to raise money and here are a few things members have suggested and have already started doing:

  1. Renew memberships and registrations early.
  2. Hold club fundraisers.
  3. Conduct membership drives/sign up buddy/purchase gift memberships.
  4. Pass the word; represent USUA at fly ins, air shows or other local community events to acquire new members.
  5. Send a donation.

Creative ideas for fund raising are: Recruiting club members who have not yet joined USUA, ask them to join as a show of support; hold hangar sales (old parts and tools); and even wash some ultralights … and yes, maybe even a spam-can, for money.

Long time member and avid supporter, Ted Bryant, and his staffers at B&B Sport Aviation in Maryland, have pledged to include a one-year USUA membership with each introductory flight lesson they conduct at this season's area fly ins. Ted challenges other BFI and AFI's to do the same thing in their areas. Bill McCombs, Regional Representative from the Mid-South Region, suggested the sale of a special edition ball cap, which was a popular item at this year's Sun 'n Fun. These hats are still available and may be purchased through the web site Flying Store at www.usua.org or by calling USUA. Kurt Neilson, President, USUA Club 109, says he will donate a year's USUA membership, or equivalent, for every pre-fabricated hangar he sells, and he challenges other businesses and vendors to make similar gestures.

A major, on-going, contribution to the well being of USUA is California AFI Bob Comperini, as he continues his superb work on the USUA website. The website has been completely re-vamped by Webmaster Bob in what must be hundreds of hours of creative effort thus far … all completely done on a volunteer basis.

The first to make monetary donations was Northern Virginia Club 1 and almost concurrently, the Dallas/Fort Worth Lite Flyers held a fund raising fly in and donated the proceeds to USUA. Additionally, donations from individuals, ranging from $25 to $100, continue to show up by snail mail and electronically via the new website donation link.

So through the very special team effort of the members, the staff and the board of directors, USUA is maintaining a steady recovery rate … but while this news is good, it has to be said that the indebtedness problem still exists and every member contribution, whether in dollars or "sense" helps in this get well process.

"At press time I have been here about seven weeks and we have made a steady progress toward recovery," says Pendergist. "It has been an amazing to witness the passion USUA members have for this organization. The risk in doing an article like this is that credit won't be given to all those who are deserving. I apologize for the omissions and thank all those who are working with USUA. Let's keep on working together until USUA begins running on all (both) cylinders again."